The Alamo (John Wayne's Version)

This is the other version of "The Alamo" and I think this version is better than the first one ^_^. I like it!
This Alamo movie gave me more information about the main actors. Because on the first version I didn't really know much who were really the main actors, what i knew was only they were going to fight with the Santa Anna to the purpose of getting Texas.
I knew more about Mr.Davy Crockett, the one who is on the picture above, he seem to be the main actor in this version and he was the famous one, they put some story about him with one young lady. Some ramance and entertain were in the movie when Davy Crokett were around.

This guy is Jim Bowie, I know more about him from this old version movie that he was quite a good friend with Davy Crockett. Because from the new version I have seen the part that Davy brought the weapon into Jim Bowie's room when he was sick on the bed so when the enimies came Jim would be able to protect himself. And he was a nice guy in this version, they also talk about his wife a little bit.
William Barret Travis in the old version he was not impress me that much. It seem like he liked to command people to do things, that annoyed Jim Bowie as in the both version they fight at the beginning. With William's braveness he made people believe in him and they got loads encouragement. But still he was the young and good looking guy for the both version ^__^
General Sam Houston was also the main charactor that i could see in the old version as in the new version but he didn't have much role in the movie he was at the beginning and the end of the movie.
Anyway the over all about this old version it was quite fun more than the new version. Although the quality of the old version was not really look like the reality like the new one but the director had done a great job for telling and connecting the story at that moment. We don't have to guess like the recently movie.

Glory is a movie about one 23 years old guy name Robert Gould Shaw, he was born in the rich family and his father was quite powerful.

Robert was a captain in the US. force. He servived from the war between the states. Then after that he had got an order to gather the colour people to be trained to be a soldier.
Well actually this movie is talking about black people that at that time around year 1862 in the movie. Black people had no choice to be with the white people, they could only be slaves. And the black people that has trained to be soldiers were the group of people who were looking for freedom and some other things which is not being slave. They wanted their families and other black people to get the freedom. In the battle they were so ready to fight and they did so well.

This guy he was the one of black people in the movie. He didn't have a good attitude with white people who look down and not fair to black people. He was quite rude tho but finally he realized something that Robert was not like what he had thought.
After the movie I felt so sorry for the black people in the movie and in reality at the past time. Black people were so poor and they had no choice of being black. It was such an awful moment of black people.
And what I could see in the movie at that time was again pople in US. they didn't really afraid to die. They were just doing it because of their own freedom. And "this is how the movie called Glory, it means the Glory of black people"
About Music
I'm talking about the music CD. They are not my kind of music but I believe people at that time they could feel the music. It's just like we are in the different moment and different taste.
But anyway by listening for the emotion of the singers or instrument of the music. I could feel something about it. I'm sorry it hard to say "how" but things always have the reason of making it. It's just like music. We make the music to express our feeling and our story to the listener. And I think it's the better way than just speak words. ^_^
The Alamo

The Alamo is the name of a small village which was set up to be a crossroad of the battle. At the Alamo place I think it was the United Maxican State group. First I would like to tell you that related to the text book I have read on the page 119 it was about "Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848)" in the book they said there were the United State of American and the United Mexican State.
So that makes me understand more about the situation in the movie that why people in the Alamo speak Spanish. Anyway there were 2 sides, Mexican and Spanish side. People who live in the Alamo they were the folk. What I think about the movie is Alamo was the way that people who wanted to go to Texas they would pass the Alamo first. So that's why some group of Soldiers stopped by the Alamo first as they knew that the Spanish army were arriving.
This movie a whole movie it was about the war. People wanted to be independent and they wanted to reach to Texas as they wish to get the new life there. But it wasn't easy since the Spanish army came to the Alamo. The soldiers tried hard to encourage folks to fight and stood up for themselves.
As I saw in the movie the black people were still slave and they didn't want to be slave. But anyway finally folks in the Alamo collaborated to the soldier( I think it was the US. soldier). The battle between Mexican and Spanish were cruel. Unfortunately the Alamo was destroyed because they didn't have enough people as they ask for help to the Government but they were too late.
After the Alamo the Spanish army move forward and finally they met the other US. army that were coming to help the Alamo. And finally the Spanish army lost and Anna Santa, the head of Spanish army, had to sign the agreement about Texas to exchange with his life.
I'm sorry about this terrible summary but I don't really watch this type of movie because for me it's depressing I don't like to watch people kill and fight to each other. But in the movie has made me learn something about what they said "Victory or Death" if it's not wrong they were telling that people at that time they could do everything for the country.
And this is my impression about how United State at the moment could be this large. ^_^
David Crockett:
I think he is an Artist. In the movie he played Violin beating the Spanish band. Even at the beginning of the movie he was introduced to the crowd at the theatre that Mr. Crockett was the inspiration of the show.
And he was the one who were alive at the Alamo.

William Barret Travis:
I think he was a good guy. He loved his country and he was not selfish thinking only about his family but the others. He knew what he was doing and he didn't afraid to die for the victory.
Although in the movie it seem to be that he was a bad guy left his family to the battle but he did the best for his job.He even encouraged people to fight for their own victory.
He is my impression *_^

Santa Anna:
This guy was the biggest head of the Spanish army. He was totaly bad and selfish guy I ever seen in the movie. He had all the power on Spanish side.
The comming up movie

This is my up comming summary...I haven't watched it yet...but i think it would be the interesting one...catch up with me ok?..
The Scarlet letter

The Scarlet letter is the movie about one lady, Hester Prynne , she was punished and her baby was the excuse. In the society at that time the punishment seem to be harmful. For the one who made the mistake they would be punished and also there would be the explaination sign for the reason why they got punished.

Hester Prynne's case of the punishment is quite different because she got married and during her husband was not in the town she got pregnant with one guy in the town. And people in the town judged that it was a sin and that guy was a secret person. Hester didn't want to tell anybody beause she didn't want him to be in trouble.

Five years later when the child grew up. She was a cute little girl but people in the town didn't treat her really well because the little girl's mother had the scarlet letter and actually the letter was a letter "A". Also the little young girl had some trouble with the other kids.

Until one day the guy who was a little girl's father he couldn't be patient with watching his wife and child to be annoyed by the people in the town. So he decided to spoke out in the confession stand that he was the father of the little girl. And then he passed away because he had the pain inside for a while ago and it was because of the punishment of Hester Prynne.