Singing In the Rain


Gene Kelly act as Don Lockwood --> he was a movie start in the movie

Donald O'Connor act as Cosmo Brown --> he was a friend of Don Lockwood and he was a funny man.

Debbie Reynolds act as Kathy Selden---> she sang very good in the movie. She was a jazz dancer or sth.

Jean Hagen act as Lina Lamont --> she was also a movie star who was popular as a couple of Don Lockwood, she was beautiful but she didn't have a great voice and she was bitchy also.
I think it's a Romantic comedy movie. It's a story about people in the Hollywood. I don't remember the name of the company that Don Lockwood worked but it's kind of hollywood life and the revolution of teachnical thing of filming. Don Lockwood had made the file as he put the speech after the sceen. He didn't really put on any voice in the movie. But later the Dicrector wanted the talking picture so he had to change his movie to be with the new teachnique. But the problem was actually withh Ms. Lina Lamont that she look beautiful but she couldn't really sing and her voice was not really impressive.
But finanlly Don Lockwood had found Kathy Selden and she helped him out with the teachnique of putting voice by using her voice instead of Lina Lamont. Unfortunately she didn't like Ms. Kathy Selden and she even lost her job once.
At the end of the movie Don Lockwood and HIs friend, Cosmo Brown sloved the problem by telling the audience directly about how Ms. Lina sing and who was the actual singger in the movie.
- I think people at the period of Roaring Twnties but seem they love the music more as there was Jazz and song movie or sth. like that.
- enjoyable people with luxury jewelry and stones.
- Media was a great influent thing for people at that period.
-Women had more right to speak out.
-Obiviously was the movie that they tried to innovate to be a Talking picture.
-Dress changed quite a little bit but the hat was quite funny ^__^ i would rather wear the hat of girls in Industrial ages
- The moral of this movie is to not lose anyone's job like what Lina did with Kathy.
- Sometime the technology that is too new could kill people if you don't really know to use it.
Actually, Jitsupa, this movie made Gene Kelly the most famous dancer in America and probably in the world. He had learned to be a tap-dancer, first, and then learned to do ballet. Gene Kelly set new standards for Hollywood and opened the door to many other stars who were able to get a foothold in the movie business - think Sammy Davis Junior.
Good Report.
They used to hire piano players to come in and play will the talkless movies were playing. Funny thing, the way they put movies together with spoken words is pretty much the same today.
There is one Hollywood couple that has the monopoly, almost, on putting the other sounds in the movies. Like walking sounds, horse riding sounds, bombs, etc.
Papa Dale
Great blog on a great musical. As the Papa Dale stated- this is the one that made Gene Kelly. It is easy to see why. The dancing in the rain scene set a standard that few have matched.
BTW, the rain in that scene was actually water mixied with milk so the camera could pick it up. Pretty good trivia, huh?
You are a big dog blogger. Keep it up.
Dear A. Dale ^_^
Thank you for the information that i didn't know the movie"singing in the rain" it's made from the true story of Kelly...^^
I like the's fun but it's take like and hour for only just singing in the
Dear A.Cecil
Thank you for your comment ^^ I'm keep blogging now...:)
but i didn't notice that it was milk in the
btw, my friend like your class a lot he said he wish there was a class like this in Belguim..^^
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