Singing In the Rain
Gene Kelly act as
Don Lockwood --> he was a movie start in the movie

Donald O'Connor act as
Cosmo Brown --> he was a friend of Don Lockwood and he was a funny man.

Debbie Reynolds act as
Kathy Selden---> she sang very good in the movie. She was a jazz dancer or sth.
Jean Hagen act as
Lina Lamont --> she was also a movie star who was popular as a couple of Don Lockwood, she was beautiful but she didn't have a great voice and she was bitchy also.
I think it's a Romantic comedy movie. It's a story about people in the Hollywood. I don't remember the name of the company that Don Lockwood worked but it's kind of hollywood life and the revolution of teachnical thing of filming. Don Lockwood had made the file as he put the speech after the sceen. He didn't really put on any voice in the movie. But later the Dicrector wanted the talking picture so he had to change his movie to be with the new teachnique. But the problem was actually withh Ms. Lina Lamont that she look beautiful but she couldn't really sing and her voice was not really impressive.
But finanlly Don Lockwood had found Kathy Selden and she helped him out with the teachnique of putting voice by using her voice instead of Lina Lamont. Unfortunately she didn't like Ms. Kathy Selden and she even lost her job once.
At the end of the movie Don Lockwood and HIs friend, Cosmo Brown sloved the problem by telling the audience directly about how Ms. Lina sing and who was the actual singger in the movie.
Characteristics- I think people at the period of Roaring Twnties but seem they love the music more as there was Jazz and song movie or sth. like that.
- enjoyable people with luxury jewelry and stones.
- Media was a great influent thing for people at that period.
-Women had more right to speak out.
Artifacts-Obiviously was the movie that they tried to innovate to be a Talking picture.
-Dress changed quite a little bit but the hat was quite funny ^__^ i would rather wear the hat of girls in Industrial ages
Result or Moral- The moral of this movie is to not lose anyone's job like what Lina did with Kathy.
- Sometime the technology that is too new could kill people if you don't really know to use it.
Somewhere In Time"

First I got the DVD from Ajarn and read on the name of the movie I was like "hmm..I think I've heard about this movie before but i don't remember" then i went back home it was not play, I retruned to Ajarn then he gave m back. Finally I've got to watch it! You know! This movie I've watched before and I have been looking forward to watch it again but i didn't know where i could find because that time i watched was on the Cable TV or UBC. Anyway I'm happy now ^__^ I love this classical movie. I'm going to tell you how romantic is it.
Summary The main actor, he is actually the actor of the original superman ^_^!
Christopher Reeve the main actress ,
Jane Seymour ,she is so damn beautiful really like in the fairy tale in the movie but not at the moment
Christopher Reeve act as
Richard Collier ,he was a writter.
and Jane Seymour act as
Elise McKenna ,she was an actress on the stage.
This movie is kind of unrealistic because the movie began with the Richard was in some place and then the old woman came to him and gave him the watch, it's the luxury watch that people at that time have. He was confused but then he was at the hotel that the old lady was before. She had her exhibition at the place nearby the hotel that the Richard came along.

He found Elis Mckenna's picture and he fall in love with the picture. He did many things to try to get to know her. This is crazy you know even when he knew she was older than him many years ago he still wanted to see her. Elise at the same time of period that Richard was, she died right after the day she gave him the watch. ohh.. she said to him
come back to me
. But finally he could make it to turn back the time at 1912 and he found her. They fall in love and they were very happy together. But he had to come back to his time because he had left the coin of the recent time in the pocket. Then he came back to his recent time, he didn't eat didn't sleep or do anything. He was thinking about her until he died. And i guess he had met her in the heaven because at the final he was the sceen of Elis and Richard together. So I guess it was an
Happy Ending...^_^ but so Romantic!
Characteristics - It seem like people at that time was quite rich and they spoke british accent. If i'm not wrong I think Elis spoke with the English accent.
- Girls are fashionable.
- Guys are polite and very gentle with ladies.
Artifacts-People in the movie seem to not ride horse anymore they had car and railway.
-And you have got to see her dress and hat..Oh my gad! it's so beautiful!

- so i think people in the Indusrial age must be very rich to make out the dress like that as i think it was the period of beginning of textile, costume and so.
Result or Moral - the result...if Ajarn mean the result of the movie I would say the movie i have got it was quite unrealistic. but Maybe at that period of time they reall y that the thoery of turning back the time was practical.
- but the result of forcing the nature it would kill you in the other side. Richard seem to be too much into the unrealistic and he couldn't accept that she was in the other period of time and it impossible to turn the time to her.
-Finally he could make it but the result of that made him heart and be like dead people after he couldn't turn back the time to her anymore.
My Favourite Country Music

I'm sorry if I take some of anybody's singers but I would like to write about some of musics that A. Cecil gave me the week after mid-term exams. I would say it's actually my type of music that i like now.
For example of my Hero, Johnny Cash, I'm actually know him from the movie "Walk the Line" I love this movie. Some people told me that it's boring but it's not oring for me. But i'm not really sure that they play the movie that very close to Johnny Cash's life.
My favourite
song is " Walk the line" i think he really wrote it from his feeling and experience and it's so real. It's just like whatever how's your life been through and you listen to the songs and you were like " yeah! that song is just like my situation" it's like this kind of stuffs to make Johnny Cash Popular, i think.
Related to the movie
" Walk the line" my impression about him and the prisoner that he wanted to have a concert in the prison for the prisoners and he was like actually wrote how the prisoners felt and been through. I'm not sure but he was probably been to the jail before or something that made him wrote the great song made him popular among the prisoners.
While i was listening to the CD I've heard the song " If tomorrow never some"...this is the new theory that the original song was
Garth Brooks who sing the song! but i prefer the new version anyway.
Can't believe it that I've found Faith Hill in the CD, I don't think she is that old to be included in the same period of music time with Johnny Cash. But maybe they are singing the country music that's why Ajarn put them together. Faith Hill is also a woman that I am impress because she is very beautiful eventhough she is a lil old now. I think 40 yrs or something and her voice! it's so powerful. I don't know how to explain but she is so perfect! ^_^ I love this song " This kiss"
If i would compare the country music with Blues.. i would say the country music is more happy music. it's just like people at the period of time were not that much depress as much as people in the blues music.. this is just my opinion.
In Country music they seem to add more instrument and the lyrics seem more to be like a poems...i think it's beautiful and fun.
Anyway I hope i'm writing the right thing for this course right now. and I'm going to finish the other 2 movies.
Hope everybody has a great weekend.
I am BacK!

I've been very very busy last week after I came back from the Beach "Koh Samet" everything was so fine and relaxing...but when i got back to the reality in this Big city T_T I wanted to cry..or i could die right now..
Hmm..anyway I feel so bad that i have missed many classes because i was only doing the financial plan on the Small Business subject. I'm not going to talk about it anymore.. it's a nightmare. The one who donn't really know the Accounting system and how to manage accounting in the firm..they won't understand how headache you would be faced to..but anyway it's the past.
I'm going to the Aspects. class regularly on next Monday...Too bad I wanted to write about Mr. Johnny Cash as he is my hero after i have seen the movie Talk the line. I didn't sign the name on last Thursday..Hmm I will write about him anyway :P.